As we come to the end of the first week back from a quite unusual Spring Break, I would like to thank our staff and families for your flexibility and patience in implementing the AEA Distance Learning Plan (DLP). Like any plan it requires some time to become daily practice, and will undoubtedly require tweaks as we move forward. We will be presenting the plan and holding a discussion on distance learning at the upcoming AEA Board of Trustees meeting on April 21 starting at 4:30 pm PST (virtual meeting). We are also planning a virtual Pastries with the Principals event soon so that the community will have a chance to ask live questions about the DLP and other topics.

In my monthly report to the AEA Board of Trustees (which I will present next Tuesday) I express my deep gratitude to all those within the AEA community who serve us in the medical profession. Whether doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists or any of the myriad jobs that keep that critical profession functioning, these selfless servants devote their time to saving others, often risking their own health and safety and spending precious time away from their own families. You are a shining example of service for our community, and for our students.

I’ve mentioned the outpouring of generosity we’ve received for the AEA Covid19 Relief Fund. Tomorrow (Saturday, April 18) we will hold our first large food distribution event on the AEACMS campus. Families who identified a need will receive food staples such as rice, beans, pasta, etc to support them during this challenging time. Of course social distancing measures will be in place at this event.

If you have not yet completed the survey indicating your needs please do so as soon as possible so that we can include you in our planning. The survey can be found on our homepage

Stay healthy and safe.